The examiner, Mr Theo Hollamby has successfully completed the requirements of The Professional Examiner Training Program for Psycho-physiological Detection of Deception by the American International Institute of Polygraph. (Further advanced training courses were completed.)
This qualification, which is internationally accepted, enables him to conduct the necessary interviews and tests that will give scientific results to aid in establishing guilt or innocence. He was a member of the South African Professional Polygraph Association (SAPPA), who is affiliated to the American Polygraph Association (APA) up until his departure from South Africa and is currently still a member in good standing with the British European Polygraph Association (BEPA), the American Polygraph Association and South African Truth Verification Council (SATVC).
Theo had 20 years’ experience in the South African Police Force, where he attained the position of Detective Inspector at the Organized Crime Department and amongst other valuable knowledge and skills gained, he specialised in Undercover/Covert Investigations, Commercial Cross Border Crime and Crime Syndicate investigation. He is currently a Licensed Private Investigator and Security Consultant in British Columbia.
LIAR-LIAR Polygraph Services was established in South Africa in 2006 (NYANE POLYGRAPH SERVICES) and was regarded as one of a few professional and highly regarded polygraph companies in South Africa with numerous clients ranging from private individuals to major Corporations, Law Enforcement Agencies, numerous Private Investigator and Private Security Companies as well as retailers. Theo emigrated from South Africa to Canada in 2010 to further his career in the Polygraph and Investigation field. (He has conducted over 3000 Polygraph Examinations to date.)